Our Vision
“Living and telling the good news of Jesus Christ, reaching out to all in love and service.”
In our Gathering we want to be
- A vibrant and engaged community that gathers joyfully
- Nourished by word, sacrament and other people of faith
- Challenged, enlivened, motivated, supported and strengthened
- Inspired to be genuine disciples of Jesus in lifestyle and action
- A great church for people of all ages.
In our Growth we want to be:
- A diverse community growing in knowledge of, love for, and enjoyment of God
- Supported in exploring our faith
- Able to share and explain our faith clearly
- Able to respond to the challenges and complexities of life
- Participating in small groups that promote fellowship and support, and make and grow disciples.
- People who accept the call and are equipped to extend the kingdom of God
In our Going Out we want to:
- Pray. For the world and all we do in it
- Share the Gospel in both words and deeds
- Be people engaged in our local community, seeing all that we do as part of our Christian vocation
- Be people who respond to need within our own and the wider community by:
• Offering effective individual pastoral care
• Reaching out to and nurturing children and young families
• Actively engaging in learning and action that promotes peace, justice and care for the planet - Participate in the wider mission outreach of the church in the diocese, nation and the world
In our Stewardship we want to
- Use our resources efficiently and effectively for mission
- Be financially sustainable, accountable and ethical
- Make efficient and effective use of personnel, processes and resources
- Be compliant to all legislative requirements (safe ministry, child protection, wh&s)
- Ensure our buildings and grounds are environmentally friendly, sustainable, accessible and attractive
- Maximise the widest possible use of our resources